GeoPortal and User Needs and System Performance Utility of the Group on Earth Observation

This work space is used to develop the initial Work Flow Scenarios for the User Needs and System Performance Utility of the Group on Earth Observation (UNSPU). However, in order to visualize how this utility could be integrated into the GCI and, more importantly, the overall GEO Portal, we have chosen to propose a GeoPortal that would lead a user to the UNSPU. Moreover, this GeoPortal would offer many useful services to users on different levels and thus motivate users to publish their needs in the UNSPU. The design and layout of the GeoPortal pages is preliminary. The header is not actual part of the GeoPortal pages - only the "screens" below the header are. The links to the left will disappear in the near future when most of these links are accessible through the GeoPortal.

All buttons with "?" provide help information and guidance to users of the future web pages. Most of these buttons are intended to be included in the final version; although with modified text. All texts are preliminary, and meant to indicate the general way of communication. Many functions are not yet implemented.

All buttons with "IT" provide information to the IT staff implementing the web pages and the underlying database as fully functional prototype.

In case of problems, mail to Web Administrator.