List of Action Items

List created on 2012- 4- 2 20:32:48 -0700

Action Item ID03-T3-1: Hans-Peter Plag and Ian McCallum will prepare the next version of the Data Citation Standard and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Ian McCallum, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Action Item ID03-T3-2: Bente Lilja Bye and Joan Maso will prepare the next version of the GEO Label white paper document and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Bente Lilja Bye, Joan Maso, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Action Item ID03-T3-3: Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a draft GEO Label concept and implementation plan and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Action Item ID03-T2-2: All Task Team members, who have not submitted a commitment matrix, will send this matrix with their commitment to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2012-03-22.

Action Item ID03-T2-4: All Task Team members will consider the Task report for the Work Plan Symposium and send comments or suggestions to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2012-03-22.