Second Monthly Telecon of the Task Team of GEO Task ID-03

March 26, 2012, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.2 of 2012- 4- 3 14:54)


David Kocman (Contributor, EGIDA)
Massimo Menenti, CEOP-AEGIS (Co-Lead, EC, CEOP-AEGIS)
Bente Lilja Bye, BLB (Contributor, EC - EGIDA)
Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat (Contributor, GEO Sec.)
Hans-Peter Plag, NBMG, University of Nevada, Reno (Task Co-Lead (IEEE) and Point of Contact)
Sonja Lojen (Contributor, EGIDA)
Joan Maso, UAB (Contributor, OGC)
Ian McCallum, IIASA (Co-Lead, EGIDA Project and EC)
Michael Nyenhuis, University of Bonn (Contributor, Germany)


1 Welcome; Acceptance of Agenda; Acceptance of Minutes of ID03-T2

2 ID-03 Task Sheet and Commitments
An activity-commitment matrix is available at . Several activities have no team members committed as leads or contributors. If noone is going to commit, then these activities need to be listed as stalled or deleted.

The task sheet for ID-03 is available at . An extended version is available at . The Task team members are asked to commit to the activities.

3 Report from the Institution and Development Implementation Board

4 ID-03 Meeting at EGU

5 Priorities: Data Citation and GEO label

6 Any other business

7 Date and Time of the next ID-03 Monthly Telecon
It is proposed to organize the next ID-03 telecon on May 7, 2012.

8 Summary of Action Items


1 Welcome; Acceptance of Agenda; Acceptance of Minutes of ID03-T2

Ian McCallum opened the meeting. The draft agenda was accepted as proposed. The minutes of ID03-T2 were accepted.

2 ID-03 Task Sheet and Commitments

Hans-Peter Plag informed that an activity matrix showing all commitments was now available at . He pointed out that several activities have no team members committed as leads or contributors. He requested that task members who have not done this yet follow up

Action Item ID03-T2-2: All Task Team members, who have not submitted a commitment matrix, will send this matrix with their commitment to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2012-03-22.


Hans-Peter Plag also requested that all Task Team members review the task sheet for ID-03, which is available at . The extended version is available at .

After clarification of support from GEOWOW and EGIDA for Activities 1.3 and 1.4, Massimo Menenti committed to lead these activities.

3 Report from the Institution and Development Implementation Board

Hans-Peter Plag briefly reported that the ID Board was busy with preparing input for the Work Plan Symposium, developing an action plan, and developing a strategy for the evaluation of task progress.

Bente Lilja Bye asked whether the ExCom had accepted the membership of the Boards. Douglas Cripe explained that the ExCom considers the current composition and functioning of the Boards as o.k., and he stated that Board membership is fixed for this year.

4 ID-03 Meeting at EGU

The agenda for the ID-03 Meeting was briefly reviewed. The Task Team meeting will focus on business and the current Task priorities. No changes were made to the agenda.

Hans-Peter Plag also informed about the program of the joint EGIDA/GEO splinter meeting, which will take place during the morning of April 24, 2012. The program is available at This meeting is an outreach activity, and the program was developed accordingly.

5 Priorities: Data Citation and GEO label

Concerning data citation, it was agreed:

Action Item ID03-T3-1: Hans-Peter Plag and Ian McCallum will prepare the next version of the Data Citation Standard and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Ian McCallum, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Hans-Peter Plag noted that with respect to the GEO Label there is pressure from GEO community and particularly the GCI providers, to produce something actionable. The GCI Providers are discussing how the different components of the GCI can be linked together. The GEO Label is being discussed as one components, and the implementation of the data citation standard is also a topic. The User Requirements Registry (URR) is already being linked to the rest of the GCI. Hans-Peter Plag also informed that a document describing the role of the URR for Work Plan Implementation will be distributed to the Implementation Boards for consideration.

Hans-Peter Plag reported that Lawrence Friedl had introduced the idea of a label based on user feedback at the ESIP Meeting in January 2012 (see his presentation available at , where his presentation is in the 11:00-12:30 block on the first day; slides 9-13 are about the approaches to user rating and slides 16 and 17 show the user rating for the Terra-MODIS data). Hans-Peter Plag pointed out that if ID-03 does not provide a concept for the label soon, then others will. He saw the need to come up with a plan for implementation within the next few months.

Joan Maso stated that some ideas can be tested through implementation in GeoViQua based on the results of the questionnaire.

After some discussion, it was agreed:

Action Item ID03-T3-2: Bente Lilja Bye and Joan Maso will prepare the next version of the GEO Label white paper document and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Bente Lilja Bye, Joan Maso, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Action Item ID03-T3-3: Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a draft GEO Label concept and implementation plan and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

6 Any other business

There was not other business

7 Date and Time of the next ID-03 Monthly Telecon

It was agreed to hold the next Telecon on May 14, 2012 at 13:00 UTC.

8 Summary of Action Items

Action Item ID03-T3-1: Hans-Peter Plag and Ian McCallum will prepare the next version of the Data Citation Standard and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Ian McCallum, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Action Item ID03-T3-2: Bente Lilja Bye and Joan Maso will prepare the next version of the GEO Label white paper document and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Bente Lilja Bye, Joan Maso, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Action Item ID03-T3-3: Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a draft GEO Label concept and implementation plan and distribute it to the Task team. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2012-04-21.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag, and Ian McCallum