Enhancing registration of relevant scientific data sets (Roadmap Activity 2e).
Goal of the Activity
(Roadmap 2e) Enhancing registration of relevant scientific data sets. Increase relevance and benefits of GEOSS registries for scientific communities as a means for dissemination and a source of core data sets, which are often produced by science organizations and needed for both research and GEOSS services. Accomplishing this through targeted contacts with relevant groups will dramatically increase the acceptance of GEOSS in the S&T communities as a resource for accessing scientific data and further motivate registration.
Status of Work
This work has been stalled due to a lack of resources. EGIDA has resources and might contribute to this activity.
STC Road Map Annex: Activity 2e
An important indicator for potential contributors from the science communities in assessing the relevance of GEOSS for their work is the availability of core data sets, which are often produced by science organizations. This could initially focus on broadly applicable basic data sets, e.g. global digital elevation models (DEM), bathymetry maps, coarse land-cover maps (including inland water bodies). Once feedback is available from the user community or the review activities, these should increasingly drive the priorities. To the extent possible it must be ensured that such data sets are included in the GEOSS registries. Accomplishing this will dramatically increase the acceptance of GEOSS as a resource for accessing scientific data in the S&T communities.