Date: 2016-04-15 06:11
Subject: Invitation:- Conference on Sustainable Development 23rd - 27th May, 2016
To: nn
Dear Invitee, Nonprofit/NGO Colleague,
On behalf of the organizing and scientific working committee, the Scientific Organizing Committee of European Union invites you to a Four-day summit for all Countries, Women's Organizations,Economists, Educationists, Law Firms, Administrators, Agriculture and Fisheries NGO's, Manufacturers, Researchers, Activist & Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations, individuals from the Public and Private Sector from 23rd - 27th May, 2016 in London (UK) to establish an inclusive and transparent intergovernmental process on SDGs that is open to all stakeholders with a view to developing global sustainable development goals. Aimed at reconciling the economic and environmental goals of the global community, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities.
The decision to hold the conference was made by European Union General Assembly Resolution 64/236 (A/RES/64/236) on December 2009. It was intended to be a high-level conference, including heads of state and government or other representatives and resulting in a focused political document designed to shape global environmental policy.
Date: 23rd - 27th May, 2016 in London (UK).
Venue: International Exhibition & Convention Centre (IECC)-London, United Kingdom.
Conference Theme: Impact and implications of the global financial and economic crisis on sustainable development & climate change proposals for an integrated global response to the crisis.
As an invitee, you have received a registration PIN CODE: 3338/LND/UK/2016. The Scientific Organizing Committee of European Union will pay for your all-round return flight ticket cost for all confirmed participants that completes his/her participation requirements. Invited participants will only take responsibility for their accommodation payment for the five day of stay at Comfort Hotel Heathrow. All Invited participant will only be responsible for their hotel accommodation and feeding cost. The International Exhibition & Convention Centre (IECC)-London, United Kingdom is the officially venue. Entry visa authorization letter will be given to all confirmed participants who require a visa into United Kingdom through the Visa4UK office.
For further details about registration form, visa, flight ticket and other details, write an acceptance letter to be part of this event and send directly to the EUCSD Secretariat. For more information contact us on +4470422 050 583 or via e-mail:
We invite you to Finding inspired solutions for Global Financial and Economic Crisis problems Around the Globe!.Please if will not come to this summit, send us email to cancel your Invitation.
Register Now!
Mrs. Catherine Day
[Secretary-General of the European Commission and Public Affairs].
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