First Monthly Telecon of the Task Team of GEO Task ST-09-02

November 22, 2010, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2011- 1- 7 20:22)


Joan Maso, UAB (Contributor, OGC)
Stuart Marsh, British Geological Survey (Contributor, U.K.)
Russell Lefevre, University of North Dakota (Contributor, IEEE Committee on Earth Observations)
Ian Mccallum, IIASA (Contributor)
Jose Koz (EGIDA)
Paula Diaz, UAB-CREAF (Guest)


1 Acceptance of Agenda, Minutes of M2 (see draft minutes ), and Action Items (see AI List ).

2 Brief report from the GEO Plenary and Exhibition

3 The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology
As a result of Subactivity 3.3, a GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology has been compiled and an initial web page has been set up (see ). We will discuss the initial web page and the overall status and publication concept of the Portfolio.

4 GEOSS Citation Standard

5 Any other business

6 Date and Time of the Monthly Telecons
It is proposed to hold monthly telecons at 14:00-15:00 UTC on the last Monday of a month.

7 Summary of Action Items


1 Acceptance of Agenda, Minutes of M2 (see draft minutes ), and Action Items (see AI List ).

The draft agenda was accepted without changes. There were no comments on the minutes of M2 (see draft minutes ).

A list of the Action Items was made available prior to the telecon. The list was briefly discussed. Concerning

Action Item ST2-M2-9: Hans-Peter Plag will updated the draft GEO label document based on the discussion during the ST-09-02 Task Team meeting and distribute the document to the Task team for comments. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-10-31,

Hans-Peter Plag reported that the revision of the document was delayed.

2 Brief report from the GEO Plenary and Exhibition

Hans-Peter Plag started by informing the participants that the GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology had been compiled before the meetings in Beijing and featured during the Exhibition. A total of eight examples were featured. Responses were generally positive.

He also reported that the GEO Label had been mentioned several times during the Plenary and the Ministerial, and its importance for GEO had been emphasized.

Stuart Marsh considered the fact that Russia committed during the meetings to give away data as a change in direction of travel of Russia. Concerning the STC presentation to the Plenary, he pointed out that this was a team effort that was well received. Likewise, the STC booth was a success. The ESA Science report was also well received by the meeting participants.

Russell Lefevre pointed out that the IEEE booth featured an EGIDA poster and the EGIDA flyers, which were distributed at the STC booth, were popular.

It was suggested to use the GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology for further promotion of GEOSS.

3 The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology

Hans-Peter Plag introduced the GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology, which had been compiled as a result of Subactivity 3.3. A portfolio web page had been set up (see ). He outlined the main features of the web page and explained the overall publication concept.

Russell Lefevre recognized the value of the portfolio for outreach. He recommended that information about the portfolio is distributed to, e.g., to conference chairs and portfolio flyers are made available. This would bring GEOSS and the STC into the perception of organizers.

Ian Mccallum asked how the portfolio can be changed in the future. Hans-Peter Plag explained that the most important changes would be to increase the number of examples, with the goal being at least two examples per SBA. He asked the participants to volunteer for solicitation of further examples. This resulted in:

Action Item ST2-T1-1: Russell Lefevre will solicit a proposal of a compelling example for the GEOSS portfolio for Science and Technology in the Energy SBA. Responsible: Russell Lefevre, Deadline: 2011-01-15.

Action Item ST2-T1-2: Stuart Marsh and Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a proposal of a compelling example for the GEOSS portfolio for Science and Technology in the Disaster SBA. Responsible: Stuart Marsh, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-15.

4 GEOSS Citation Standard

Ian Mccallum reported that he was following up the related AI from the Rome Meeting. He was preparing a draft. Once done, he would be getting in contact with Joan Maso.

Hans-Peter Plag pointed out that the current considerations for data citation did not explicitly consider ethical aspects. In particular, the issue of what should be considered plagiarism was not clarified as it concerns the use of data provided by others.

5 Any other business

Stuart Marsh requested that the relationship of the Task with EGDIA is clarified, and he expressed the desire that there would be greater synergy between these two communities. Hans-Peter Plag expressed his concerns that EGIDA would result in duplication and even some competition with the Task Team, if better coordination could not be achieved. It was pointed out that Stuart Marsh, Russell Lefevre, Ian Mccallum, Joan Maso, Paula Diaz, Hans-Peter Plag, and others were already in both teams and thus a good coordination should not be too difficult to be achieved.

6 Date and Time of the Monthly Telecons

It was agreed that a telecon in December would be difficult to organize due to the holiday season.

Action Item ST2-T1-3: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll to find a date in January 2011 for the ST2-T2. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-12-31.

7 Summary of Action Items

Action Item ST2-T1-1: Russell Lefevre will solicit a proposal of a compelling example for the GEOSS portfolio for Science and Technology in the Energy SBA. Responsible: Russell Lefevre, Deadline: 2011-01-15.

Action Item ST2-T1-2: Stuart Marsh and Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a proposal of a compelling example for the GEOSS portfolio for Science and Technology in the Disaster SBA. Responsible: Stuart Marsh, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-15.

Action Item ST2-T1-3: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll to find a date in January 2011 for the ST2-T2. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-12-31.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

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