Outputs and Activities:
Data Sharing
Capacity Building
Science and Technology
User Engagement
Gap Analysis
GEO Task ID-03: Science and Technology in GEOSS
Extended Task Sheet: INSTITUTION AND DEVELOPMENT Science and Technology — Status of Activities - Activity 2.1
GEOSS Science and Technology Portfolio
Status of Work
The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology is available at http://www.geo-tasks.org/geoss_portfolio. Currently, the goal of having at least two examples per SBA has not been reached. Therefore, the GEO community is encouraged to submit additional examples. Documentation related to the submission of proposals for examples is listed below.
Relevant Documentation
History of ST-09-02 Work
ST-09-02 started to solicit examples for the GEOSS Portfolio in 2009. Four proposals were submitted after the ST-09-02 Kick-off meeting.
In order to solicit more proposals, all authors of proposals for showcases for the Ministerial Summit 2010 were invited to submit proposals for compelling examples. Several of the presenters at the Union Session on GEOSS held at the AGU Fall meeting in December 2009 in San Francisco were also invited to submit proposals. In 2010, EPA provided support to the University of Nevada, Reno, where conceptual work was done. Submitted proposals for Compelling Examples were reviewed using the review form. A Portfolio Process Paper was drafted and after review accepted by the ST-09-02 Task team. The Process Paper is available as pdf.
A summary status report was submitted to the STC Co-Chairs on September 7, 2010. The report is available here as pdf.
A two-page summary prepared for the Exhibition at the Ministerial Summit 2010, Beijing, China, is available as pdf. This summary reflects the status in November 2010 and the plans for publication.
The web portal for the portfolio of examples was set up at http://www.geo-tasks.org/geoss_portfolio. The portfolio has been featured in a brief article in the January 2011 GEO Newsletter.