Revolving scientific review of each Work Plan (Road Map Activity 1a)
Goals of Activity
Revolving scientific review of each Work Plan on grounds of scientific and technological soundness and completeness against the outstanding questions and challenges in each of the SBAs.
Road Map Annex 1: Activity 1a
A revolving scientific review of each Work Plan, starting with the work plan for 2009-2011 is
conducted. The outcomes of these reviews will be assessment reports of the Work Plans
against the outstanding questions and challenges in each of the GEO Societal Benefit Areas
(SBA). These assessments may recommend changes to objectives and scope of existing
Tasks or propose new Tasks to respond to any identified deficits or overlaps. The
recommendations may also identify opportunities for cooperation between Tasks, suggest
inclusion of specific activities from outside GEOSS, or motivate the definition of new ones.
The scope of the Work Plan Reviews also includes reviewing the completeness of the nine
SBAs. To be effective, the Work Plan reviews should involve scientists and institutions of
significant standing in the community and retain sufficient independence from the authors of
the Work Plans. The STC advises on the review effort and seeks ways to support the work
with dedicated funding from science foundations of member countries. The first report was
completed by the time of the GEO Ministerial Summit in 20101.