Seventh Monthly Telecon of the Task Team of GEO Task ST-09-02

August 29, 2011, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2011- 9- 1 20:44)


Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat (Contributor, GEO Sec.)
Ian McCallum, IIASA (Contributor)
Hans-Peter Plag, NBMG, University of Nevada, Reno (ST-09-02 Co-Lead (IEEE) and Point of Contact)
Bente Lilja Bye, BLB (Contributor, EC - EGIDA)
Russell Lefevre, University of North Dakota (Contributor, IEEE Committee on Earth Observations)
Eva Sevillano, UAB (GeoViQua)


1 Acceptance of Agenda, Minutes of T6 (see draft minutes ), and Action Items (see AI List ).

2 ST-09-02 Activities in Work Plan 2012-2015

3 Activity 2.1: GEOSS Data Citation Standard Version 2.0
V1.0 of the Citation Standard has been discussed at the 22nd meeting of the ExCom in July 2011. It was requested that the Citation Standard is more aligned to what others are doing, in particular WCRP and ICSU. A summary of relevant work by others with links to other draft citation standards and rules is available at . We will discuss how we can align the V2.0 to the work by the ESIP Federation Preservation and Stewardship Cluster, CODATA, and others.

4 Activity 2.2: GEO Label
More details to be added soon.

5 Any other business

6 Date and Time of the next meeting and Monthly Telecons
ST-09-02 is organizing a meeting on Spetember 15, 2011 with two parts: part 1: GEOSS Citation Standard; part 2: GEO Label

The next monthly telecon is proposed for September 26, 2011 at 13:00-14:00 UTC.

7 Summary of Action Items


1 Acceptance of Agenda, Minutes of T6 (see draft minutes ), and Action Items (see AI List ).

The agenda was accepted as proposed. The status of the action items was briefly reviewed.


Action Item ST2-T5-2: Bente Lilja Bye will produce a review of existing geo-labels. Responsible: Bente Lilja Bye, Deadline: 2011-07-31,

Hans-Peter Plag reported that Bente Lilja Bye had provided a draft review, which would be integrated into the GEO label document. He also reported that in following up

Action Item ST2-T5-3: Hans-Peter Plag will provide further clarification of the discussion around Activity 4.3 at the STC-16 in Sydney. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-05-25,

progress was made towards a draft document for distribution to the task team.

With respect to

Action Item ST2-T3-1: Hans-Peter Plag will draft a letter from the GEO Secretariat Director to the IAU, which will invite IAU for a dialog with GEO, potentially under the lead of the STC. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-15,

Douglas Cripe and Hans-Peter Plag agreed to discuss the focus of the letter in more detail during the GEO meetings in Salzburg.

Hans-Peter Plag emphasized the importance of following up the action items

Action Item ST2-T2-2: Stuart Marsh will follow up with Rob Koopman and Ian Jackson to ensure that a revised proposal for the compelling example "OneGeology" is submitted. Responsible: Stuart Marsh, Deadline: 2011-04-30,

Action Item ST2-T1-1: Russell Lefevre will solicit a proposal of a compelling example for the GEOSS portfolio for Science and Technology in the Energy SBA. Responsible: Russell Lefevre, Deadline: 2011-01-15,

Action Item ST2-T1-2: Stuart Marsh and Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a proposal of a compelling example for the GEOSS portfolio for Science and Technology in the Disaster SBA. Responsible: Stuart Marsh, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-15,


Action Item ST2-M2-8: Vojko Bratina will invite an additional proposal for a compelling example. Responsible: Vojko Bratina, Deadline: 2010-10-15.

Russell Lefevre commented that he would follow up ST2-T1-1.

2 ST-09-02 Activities in Work Plan 2012-2015

Hans-Peter Plag briefly pointed out that the ST-09-02 activities made it into one specific Task. He encouraged the task team to continue to be active in this task.

3 Activity 2.1: GEOSS Data Citation Standard Version 2.0

Hans-Peter Plag briefly summarized the status as it was reflected in . He added that in the meantime, the U.S. Academy of the Sciences also had formed a group to look at data citation. A workshop was held on August 22-23, 2011 in Berkeley, Ca, and the output of the workshop was relevant for the ST-09-02 progress towards a version 2 of the GEOSS Citation Standard. Ian McCallum asked whether GEO should continue to work on a citation standard, or whether it would be better to just wait until the international groups would agree on something. Hans-Peter Plag pointed out that the ExCOM consider a GEOSS standard important, but requested that the standard would be aligned to the international development. Moreover, several leaders of international groups had pointed out that a GEOSS standard could promote the issue and stimulate an international agreement. There was consensus that the version 2 should be fully aligned to the work of several international groups, including the ESIP Federation Preservation and Stewardship Cluster, CODATA, and the Academy of Sciences group.

Concerning the meeting on September 15, 2011, it was agreed that Ian McCallum and Hans-Peter Plag would invite the relevant people.

Action Item ST2-T7-1: Ian McCallum and Hans-Peter Plag will send invitations to relevant people to attend the ST-09-02 meeting in Salzburg. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Ian McCallum, Deadline: 2011-09-02.

4 Activity 2.2: GEO Label

Hans-Peter Plag reported that Bente Lilja Bye had provided a draft review of many labels. He reiterated that the discussion in GEO was somewhat polarized with some people and groups favoring a label based on self-assessment of data providers, while other were more in favor of a label based on an external assessment and potentially also the option of certification. The document under development would provide a background for the latter position.

Eva Sevillano introduced herself and informed that she joint the group in Barcelona working on the GEO label in GEOViQua.

Concerning the meeting in Salzburg, Hans-Peter Plag reported that several GEO groups would be invited, including those working on QA4EO (quality assurance for Earth observations).

5 Any other business

There was no other business

6 Date and Time of the next meeting and Monthly Telecons

ST-09-02 is organizing a meeting on September 15, 2011 with focus on the GEOSS Citation Standard; and the GEO Label.

The next monthly telecon will take place on September 26, 2011 at 13:00-14:00 UTC.

7 Summary of Action Items

Action Item ST2-T7-1: Ian McCallum and Hans-Peter Plag will send invitations to relevant people to attend the ST-09-02 meeting in Salzburg. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Ian McCallum, Deadline: 2011-09-02.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

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