Eighth Monthly Telecon of the Task Team of GEO Task ST-09-02

October 31, 2011, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC
Agenda (Version 0.1 of 2011-10-23 10:35)


1 Acceptance of Agenda, Minutes of T7 (see draft minutes ), and Action Items (see AI List ).

2 Summary of outcomes of M3

3 GEOSS Science and Technology Portfolio
The GEOSS Science and Technology Portfolio still lacks examples in several SBAs. It would be very helpful if the gaps could be addressed.

4 Continuation of ST-09-02 Activities in 2012
The Draft Work Plan for 2012-2015 includes Task "ID-03 Science and Technology in GEOSS," which includes most of the activities of ST-09-02. Contributions to this task are expected to come from the current ST-09-02 Task Team members and contributors; including the EGIDA project.

5 Any other business

6 Date and Time of the next meeting and Monthly Telecons
It is proposed to organize the last ST-09-02 telecon on December 5, 2011.

7 Summary of Action Items

Agenda prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

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