Task DI-09-03: Warning Systems for Disasters
Sub-Task DI-09-03b: Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Point of Contact: Bill de Groot
- What S&T issues are relevant for the Task?
Communication to local (community) level is a problem in many areas globally (closing the gap of the "the last mile").
- What S&T activities are currently carried out in the frame of the Task, and what scientific and/or technological components and/or developments are being used to complete this task?
The Global EWS for Wildland Fire is being developed using existing fire danger science, weather forecasting models, and integrated GIS and remote sensing models.
- Does the Task Team have sufficient expertise to complete the task? If not, what is missing?
- Does the Task Team have sufficient resources to complete this task (resources can be defined as funding, data, in-kind support, or any other element)?
Funding of a GIS, programmer-analyst to assist in developing and running the system is insufficient. There is no assistance by GEO Secretariat or member states.
- What relevant S&T issues should be addressed but are currently not covered by the Task? In particular, do you see any scientific or technological barriers or science and technology gaps that might prevent you from completing this task within the Work Plan time frame?
Only S&T issue is communication to local level and funding for sufficient demonstration projects.
- Are there any issues with sustained operation/continuity (e.g., of sensors, observation, data archives, modeling, etc) that should be addressed in the frame of your tasks or in support of your task? Is there any help from ST-09-02 your Task would like to facilitate in order to promote a transition from research to more sustained operation?
Funding for operational implementation.
- How would you prioritize the science or technology issues relevant for your task?
This Task builds on existing S&T, so there are no serious S&T issues.
- What linkages exist between your Task and other Disaster Tasks?
Aware that other groups are working on other disaster tasks, but no direct contact. From national experiences in many countries, this is not unusual as wildfire disaster is very different from other natural disasters; early warning capacity and system drivers of wildland fire are unique.
- What cross-cutting issues are most relevant for the Task and how are these addressed?
No cross-cutting S&T issues come to mind.
- Does your Task draw on other activities inside or outside GEOSS?
Global EWS for Wildland Fire is being developed in it’s entirely by a number of collaborating scientists from the wildland fire, weather, and remote sensing communities, working for their respective agencies. This work was eventually aligned as a Project of the UNISDR Global Wildland Fire Network, its Secretariat Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and endorsed and supported by the Fire Implementation Team of GOFC-GOLD. It was subsequently registered with GEO under the Disasters Theme.
- hat additional resources could be leveraged (existing and new) to complete this task?
Unaware of leveraging (funding or otherwise) opportunities at this time, but maybe GEO has some suggestions.
- Could your Task be used as a “compelling example” of how GEO and GEOSS works for science and technology communities? If so, who would be the contact person between Task ST-09-02 and your Task to develop the documentation of the example?
This would be inappropriate as GEO and GEOSS did not contribute to the work or success of the Task.
- What other circumstances are relevant for the completion of the Task?