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1stJoint Workshop of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network and Advisory Board
Connecting GEOSS and its Stakeholders in Science and Technology
Bonn, Germany, May 9-11, 2011


Room contingents have been reserved at Günnewig Hotel Residence Bonn until 9th of April. Please book your rooms directly with the hotel (via email or telephone) and refer to "Egida Workshop" in order to benefit from the special rate for workshop participants.

Hotel with special rates until 9/4/2011

HotelRoom pricesDistance to Uni Club
Günnewig Hotel Residence Bonn
Kaiserplatz 11
53113 Bonn
phone: 0049 228 26 97 0
Single room ensuite, incl. breakfast: EUR 99 0.6 km

Other recommended hotels in Bonn

HotelRoom pricesDistance to Uni Club
Günnewig Hotel Bristol Bonn
Prinz-Albert-Straße 2
53113 Bonn
phone: 0049 228 2698-0
Single rooms incl. breakfast from EUR 125 1.2 km
Sternhotel Bonn
Markt 8
53111 Bonn
phone: 0049 228 72 67 0
Single rooms incl. breakfast from EUR 135 0.5 km
Hotel Mozart
Mozartstraße 1
53115 Bonn
phone: 0049 228 65 90 71
Single rooms incl. breakfast from EUR 70 1.4 km

In case of problems, mail to Web Administrator.