GEO Disaster Tasks:



STC Review of the Disaster SBA


The GEO Science and technology Committee (STC) is currently carrying out a review of the GEO Work Plan. In doing so, the STC focuses on science and technology (S&T) issues. The goal of this review is the identification of S&T issues common to several tasks in a Sociatal Benefit Area (SBA) or crosscutting over several or all nine SBAs of GEO.

For the time being, this Work Plan review is carried out for single SBAs at a time. At the 12th Meeting of the STC on November 14, 2009 in Washington D.C. (see the STC Meeting Page for more information), the results of the review of the Health SBA were presented. For the 13-th STC Meeting on March 24-26, 2010 in Ankara, a review of the Disaster SBA was carried out. Here we make material available that relates to the review of the Disaster SBA.

For the Disaster SBA, the 2009-2011 GEO Work Plan has four overarching Task, and three of these Task have two sub-Tasks each. The most up-to-date Task sheets are available at the GEO Work Plan Page. Versions of the Task Sheets as down-loaded on March 22, 2010 are available through the links on the left.

A survey questionnaire was sent to each Point of Contact (PoC) of these seven Tasks/sub-Tasks. Four PoCs returned the questionnaires, while three other PoCs sent explanations why no questionnaires were provided.

The responses of the Task PoC are available for each task through the links on the left. The status of the tasks and the responses were summarized in a Survey Summary. For several tasks, individual presentations were made available by the PoCs (see the links on the left). The key S&T of societal relevance were summarized in a presentation. A sumary of the Actions resulting from the review is available here.

Last edited 02 December 2016